Rubbermaid TakeAlongs Food Storage Containers with Divided Base, 30 Piece Set
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Rubbermaid TakeAlongs Food Storage Containers with Divided Base, 30 Piece Set

Product ID: 460428276
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The Rubbermaid TakeAlongs divided food storage containers are ideal for meal prep and portion control, and are designed for a sandwich or entree and a side. The divided food container keeps wet and dry foods separate and secure so you can take your favorite food combo anywhere you want to go. This set of Rubbermaid food storage containers is ideal for meal prep and portion control; rectangular divided containers are perfect for wet/dry combos, fruit, pasta, snacks, and more Great for back to school, lunch, leftovers, and more Quick click Seal lids make an audible click to let you know they're securely closed Stackable containers have ridged lids, so they take up less space in the fridge, freezer, and cabinet Microwave-safe base, top-rack dishwasher-safe, freezer-safe, and BPA-free Set includes five 1.26-cup, five 2.35-cup and five 3.7-cup containers with lids for a total of 30 pieces

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The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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