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True Genius - Grecian Glass Bottle Brainteaser Puzzle- Disassembly Puzzle, Brain Teaser, Brain Teaser for Adults, Gifts for Men, Take everything out and then put back together
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True Genius - Grecian Glass Bottle Brainteaser Puzzle- Disassembly Puzzle, Brain Teaser, Brain Teaser for Adults, Gifts for Men, Take everything out and then put back together

Product ID: 54322705
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You've heard of a message in a bottle, but what about a puzzle in a bottle? Experts also call these ancient bottles "glass ungeuentarium" and they were used to hold oil and perfume by our ancestors. Use your wits and patientence to figure out how to remove all the various items from this glass bottle without breaking it and then continue the challenge by putting it all back together again. It's dobable, but at first glance the task seems pretty impossible! This True Genius puzzle is a great conversation piece for your bookshelf or coffee table. Difficulty 5 of 5.

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